The Corner

Politics & Policy

Kathleen Kane Was an Honorary Clinton All Along

From the Tuesday edition of the Morning Jolt:

Kathleen Kane Was an Honorary Clinton All Along

Bill Clinton, endorsing Kathleen Kane in 2012:

“The first elected office I ever held was Attorney-General, so it’s a job I know something about. The Attorney General can have an enormous positive impact, so it’s important to elect someone who understands how to use the office and the legal system to protect and advance the lives of Pennsylvanians.  Kathleen Kane would make a great Attorney General. She’s smart and tough. She’s prosecuted more than 3000 cases, protected senior citizens, and put child molesters and violent criminals behind bars,” remarked President Clinton.  “Kathleen is a great Democrat who understands that an Attorney General’s job is to stand up for consumers and people. I’m proud to endorse my friend Kathleen Kane and I hope she’ll become the first woman ever elected Attorney General by the people of Pennsylvania.”

The news last night:

Four years after Kane’s election in a landslide as the first Democrat and first woman elected attorney general, a jury of six men and six women found her guilty of all charges: two counts of perjury and seven misdemeanor counts of abusing the powers of her office.

Montgomery County District Attorney Kevin R. Steele persuaded jurors that Kane orchestrated the illegal leak of secret grand jury documents to plant a June 2014 story critical of her nemesis, former state prosecutor Frank Fina. Kane then lied about her actions under oath, the jury found.

Perjury, a cover-up, and abuse of power, huh? Man, Kane really did earn the Clinton seal of approval.

You know corruption is really, really bad when even the Democratic Party won’t stand by you:

Roughly 30 minutes after Attorney General Kathleen Kane was convicted on two counts of perjury and seven misdemeanor counts of abusing the powers of her office, Gov. Wolf called for her immediate resignation.

It may not have been a tough call for Wolf, who had already called for her step down one year ago – after his fellow Democrat had been charged criminally, but before the state Supreme Court revoked Kane’s law license, rendering her unable to take part in any of the legal aspects of her job as the state’s top law-enforcement officer. 

Let that sink in for a bit. She’s a prosecutor who is legally prohibited from doing any legal work. What does she do all day? Attend ribbon-cutting ceremonies? How epically arrogant and power-mad do you have to be to refuse to resign under these circumstances?

And for all of those folks who endorsed her, convinced that she “understands that an Attorney General’s job is to stand up for consumers and people” feel any regret about their choice? Any embarrassment that they touted a woman who was completely unfit for the office and her duties?

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