The Corner


To belatedly answer your baseball question from earlier, “I don’t know.” What A-Rod did last night for a moment seemed like it would be the greatest example of, ahem, “heads up” Yankee base-running since Reggie Jackson’s hip back in one of those Yankees-Dodgers match-ups in the the 1970’s. But I’m glad the umps got the call right. I give credit to the Red Sox–they are a dangerous and gutsy team. It may turn out that they got hot at the exact right moment, i.e. the end of the series rather than the start. On the other hand, you have the momentum up to the moment you don’t. I’m pretty sick of watching Ruben Sierra and Tony Clark strike themselves out and without the 2-4 spots hitting, it’s very tough, but I’ll be rooting my heart out tonight for that hit or play or whatever that changes the feel of this series again–and not a moment too soon!

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