The Corner

Kathie Lee Gifford Calls Kermit Gosnell’s Abortion Mill a ‘War on Women’

Maybe, just maybe, pro-lifers are having an impact on the culture.

On Wednesday, NBC Today Show hosts Kathie Lee Gifford and Hoda Kotb discussed the upcoming Kermit Gosnell movie with actor Dean Cain who will star in the film.

“What’s the movie you’re doing,” Gifford asked Cain.

Gosnell. I just finished the movie — coming out in 2016,” answered Cain, who will play the role of a Philadelphia police detective who investigated Gosnell and his house-of-horrors abortion clinic accused of conducting thousands of late term abortions.

Cain didn’t hesitate to describe the scale of Gosnell’s crimes (dismissed as a “local crime story” by one Washington Post reporter and generally ignored by the national media), “One woman died. But he performed late-term abortions on maybe even thousands of babies.”

“Late-term abortion” and “babies” are not terms that are often allowed to appear in the same sentence on national morning TV shows.

But then, amazingly, Kathie Lee Gifford, turned the Democrats’ favorite demagogic phrase back on the culture of death:

“It’s a tough story,” Cain concluded.

“Talk about a war on women,” Gifford added.

“No kidding, yeah,” Kotb had to agree.

NBC’s Today Show is about as mainstream as it gets, reaching millions of Americans every week — it’s a big deal that abortion was discussed in an even marginally negative light on this platform. NARAL and Planned Parenthood certainly don’t want this becoming a pattern. Maybe Hollywood movies like Juno, Knocked Up, and now, Gosnell, are the way forward to informing Americans about what abortion really means and begin to — slowly — move the needle away from the culture of death towards a culture of life.

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