The Corner

Kay Hagan’s Approval Rating with North Carolina Voters Is Really Terrible

North Carolina senator Kay Hagan has seen her approval ratings in the state drop even more — just 33 percent of registered voters approve of the job she’s doing, versus 49 percent disapproving, according to a new poll from Elon University.

In Elon’s previous poll, Hagan had a 37 percent approval rating, with 44 percent disapproving. Interestingly, Hagan’s standing dropped since the previous survey (the fourth Elon poll in a row where she’s slid) while President Obama’s rose — he was at 37 percent approval in November and is at 39 percent now. Incumbent Republican senator Richard Burr has seen his approval ratings drop similarly, but he’s not up for reelection until 2016.

Hagan has seen, Elon notes, a barrage of advertisements targeting her support for the Affordable Care Act and publicizing the effect it’s had on North Carolinians (52 percent of the state thinks it will make health care worse there). Andrew Stiles reported for NRO on Hagan’s struggles last November; since then, she’s taken to repeatedly calling out the Koch brothers for helping to fund the ads.

In most recent polls, she’s trailed her likely GOP challenger, Thom Tillis, the speaker of the North Carolina state house. The Elon poll had mixed news for Tillis: He’s improved his name recognition in the state from 28 percent to 38 percent, but his favorability is underwater, at 18–33.

Via Politico’s Morning Score.

Patrick Brennan was a senior communications official at the Department of Health and Human Services during the Trump administration and is former opinion editor of National Review Online.
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