The Corner

Keep Giving, or Else

Though I’m not involved in the abortion debate, I do raise money for my own non-profit — can I also start a hate campaign when a donor decides to stop giving money? It happens all the time — the next generation of a family takes over and changes the focus of the foundation’s giving, for instance. Who do the Planned Parenthood people think they are? It takes real chutzpah to think, and announce, that you’re entitled to someone else’s money. (But then, they are Democrats, after all.)

Taranto at the WSJ made a good point today:

Planned Parenthood’s bitter campaign against Komen — aided by left-liberal activists and media — is analogous to a protection racket: Nice charity you’ve got there. It’d be a shame if anything happened to it. The message to other Planned Parenthood donors is that if they don’t play nice and keep coughing up the cash, they’ll get the Komen treatment.

There’s one crucial difference, however. In a real-life protection racket, the victim never pays voluntarily. The threat is present from the get-go. By contrast, Komen presumably was not under any duress when it made its grants — and it could have avoided all this nasty publicity by never dealing with Planned Parenthood in the first place.

Thus smart prospective donors — especially ones that are apolitical, like Komen — are getting the message that supporting Planned Parenthood is a trap. Give once, and you will give again — or else you will pay.

In other words, don’t ever start giving money to PP, so they can’t wage a jihad against you for cutting them off.

As for me, I promise that if you give me money, I won’t go to the newspapers if you stop!

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