The Corner

Keeping Us On Our Toes

From a reader:

Once again, you’ve been suckered by Maureen Dowd to waste your time commenting on her in the corner…hear me now and believe me later, the primary reason she files those columns is to anger people who don’t share Dowd’s Queen Noor/Amanpour worldview.

Also, NR/NRO braintrust in general cuts Friedman way too much slack, particularly when he mails in today’s column…the “Saddam letter” device is not amusing, The “Iraq = Yugoslavia in waiting” theme has been beaten to death, and the flippant “don’t make the same mistakes I have” language at the end insults my intelligence. Don’t worry, Tom, Bush won’t make the same “mistakes” (oppressing/wasting/torturing people is a “mistake”?) Saddam did because he’s not a megalomaniacal Stalinist thug/dictator.

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