The Corner

Keith Olbermann Rips HuffPo for Stallworth Hire

Keith Olbermann dedicated the entire opening of his show on Thursday evening to blasting the Huffington Post for bringing on former NFL player Donté Stallworth, who has repeatedly stated that he thinks 9/11 was an inside job, to cover national security.

The ESPN-turned-MSNBC-turned-Current-turned-ESPN host took issue with Stallworth’s new title for starters: a politics fellow.

“I don’t know why they’re using an academia, think-tank term at the Huffington Post,” Olbermann said. “Still, it is more honest than calling people at the Huffington Post ‘journalists.’”

After running through Stallworth’s multiple 9/11 truther quotes from five years ago, Olbermann pointed out that Stallworth those theories only after “Huffington’s publicly stated policy of refusing to promulgate conspiracy theories, especially about 9/11, came to his attention.” Meanwhile, Stallworth didn’t just tweet about conspiracy theories 5 years ago — he did so less than a year ago.

“Your supposed news website just hired to cover national security a still theoretically active NFL player with no journalism experience who’s a 9/11 truther, supposedly reformed about being a 9/11 truther, but lying about when he reformed, and, oh by the way, pleaded guilty to killing a man with a car during a DUI five years ago,” he said. “Maybe Donté​ should have taken this in easier stages.”

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