The Corner

Kerry’s Apology

Folks, I do NOT agree with letting Senator Aristo-Slacker off the hook for his plainly delivered insult to the troops. 

It is a basic talking point of the Pelosi / Kerry / Dean wing of the Democratic party that the troops are in Iraq not because they are deeply committed to the mission (they need to deny that) but rather because of a system that takes advantage of their lack of social and economic opportunities. It naturally follows that Kerry would exhort young students to use school as a device of upward social mobility, and thereby escape the fate of those poor fools who wound up in Iraq because of mediocre talent or effort while in school.  This is very basic to Kerry’s worldview, and for him to deny that he thinks it is weaseling mendacity, not apology. 

John Kerry is a pompous fool who can’t see what’s right in front of his face, and that’s why he steps on clearly marked landmines left and right.  Viewed from the headquarters of the Bush campaign in ‘04, the Kerry campaign was an unbelievable spectacle of how to create problems for yourself that everybody else in Washington is competent enough to avoid.  People need to understand: This man does not work.  He is super-slacker.  His brain is soft.  He doesn’t have anything to say, and gets by in life only because he says it like an aristocrat.

The really important thing about this entire gaff is that Kerry drew attention to a structural flaw in the DNC’s communications strategy (which Kerry does all the time, which is why he is such a liability to them) namely that the Democrats do not support what our troops are fighting for and are embarrassed by the troops’ dedication and sacrifice and hence they do not support the troops.  And I am of the opinion that we should clobber them with that ruthlessly until the day of the election — just like we did in ‘04 –because it is the most basic reason they deserve to lose.

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