The Corner

Komen Sense

Patricia Heaton is the actress well known for her role on the long-running sitcom Everybody Loves Raymond, currently starring in The Middle on ABC. Also pro-life, she has been a longtime spokesman for Feminists for Life. She also tends to be very reasonable. And so she tweeted early this morning:

Does #PlannedParenthood think Komen OWES them?How about THANKING Komen 4 years of support?! Or 4 leading the fight against breast cancer?

As a friend asked me this morning: “Why would any foundation give to Planned Parenthood again after seeing this kind of blackmail when they stop?” Among other things, it’s so ungracious.

But the other question I worry about: When people see the kind of hell there is to pay from the Planned Parenthood–led media, will anyone ever be a responsible steward when Planned Parenthood is involved? 

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