The Corner

Kos is Keepin’ It Classy

Via Ace of Spades, comes this Kos commentary from failed netroots congressional candidate Paul Hackett. Here’s the line of attack Hackett thinks should be used on Sarah Palin in order to win Ohio:

The message is simple and the professionals can refine it but essentially it should contain these elements:

“Sarah Palin?  Can’t keep her solemn oath of devotion to her husband and had sex with his employee.  Sarah Palin? Accidentally got pregnant at age 43 and the tax payers of Alaska have to pay for the care of her disabled child.  Sarah Palin? Unable to teach her 16 year old daughter right from wrong and now another teenager is pregnant. Sarah Palin? Can you trust Sarah Palin and her values with America’s future? 

With political horse sense like that, I can’t believe he lost his own election in Ohio. 

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