The Corner

Krauthammer: Republicans ‘in a Military Rout’

Charles Krauthammer had harsh words for the House Republicans on Special Report tonight:

What you see among Republicans now is a military rout. Once if the Republicans had been able to hold the line and had unity in the House — forget about the Senate — but in the House on rates they might have held the line. Or had they gone over the cliff it would be a position next year to negotiate. I’m not sure again people assume Obama is ready to go over the cliff. I don’t think Obama wants to start a second term with a catastrophic recession, drop in the market, etcetera. But given the fact that we now hear dissension, especially among Republicans negotiating amongst themselves on the air, their hand is now much weaker. Boehner does not have the unity behind him. So it looks as if his path is going to be to concede on rates — but he has to get something in return, otherwise it’s a complete humiliation, and I don’t think it would pass the House.

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