The Corner

Krauthammer: Trump ‘Brilliantly’ Using Reality Show Tactics to Keep Attention on Himself

In threatening to skip Fox News’s Republican debate Thursday over Megyn Kelly’s participation, Donald Trump is managing to keep attention focused on himself, Charles Krauthammer said tonight. 

“I think the prize as Trump defines it always is being the center of attention,” Krauthammer said on Tuesday’s Special Report. In possibly ducking the debate, Trump ”will concentrate all the attention, all the discussion between now and the time you go on the air Thursday at 9:00 on whether he is going to show up or not.”

“Between now and then, he’s the story, which is what he’s managed to do brilliantly, I think, since June; always creating new story lines,” Krauthammer continued. “Look, the genius of a reality TV show is that it has to be constantly changing. You can’t have the same storyline week after week or the show dies. He kept his going for 14 years.”

“He keeps changing the story,” Krauthammer said. “When he makes an outrageous statement and is waiting for incoming, he makes another outrageous statement so that all of the attention is focused on the second. He’s used that, again, brilliantly, for six months to maneuver himself at the top.” 

“As of now,” Krauthammer said, “he’s succeeding in doing what he wants, which is making him the center of all the attention all of the time.”

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