The Corner

Krauthammer’s Cuba Take: ‘Is There No Tyrant in the World Obama Will Not Appease for Nothing?’

Conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer lamented the Obama administration’s decision to open formal relations with Cuba on Wednesday, pegging it as part of a broader trend and wondering whether there’s any tyrannical or anti-American regime to whom he won’t grant one-sided concessions.

On Fox News’s Special Report, Krauthammer explained how even President Obama himself once understood that the embargo against Cuba was designed as leverage to push Cuban democratization. “There was not an ounce, there was not an inch, there was not a suggestion of an opening here,” he said. 

The columnist noted that time and again — from Russia and missile defense to Iran and nuclear sanctions — the Obama administration seems determined to surrender in negotiations with autocratic regimes.

“Is there no tyrant or anti-American center in the world that Obama will not appease for nothing in return?” Krauthammer asked. “If you get something in return I’d be willing to listen. I haven’t seen anything.”

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