The Corner

Krauthammer’s Take: Christians Being Wiped Out Abroad, But WH Bizarrely Focuses on Muslim Anxieties

What was missing from the just-ended three-day “Countering Violent Extremism” summit held by the White House? “Anything of any importance,” says Charles Krauthammer.

“The idea behind it is the president wanted to assuage the feelings and the anxieties of the Muslim community here and around the world,” said Krauthammer on Thursday’s  Special Report. “This is a good thing to do.”

But, Krauthammer continued, “at a time when Christians are under savage attack throughout the Middle East, where this is the biggest ethnic cleansing since at least the Balkan wars, where communities who have lived in the Middle East longer than Islam has existed, for 2,000 years, are being wiped out, enslaved, executed, crucified, and [when] the Christian presence which has been there for 2,000 years in the Middle East is at stake — is this the number one priority of this administration, and an administration that is supposedly the bulwark against these savages? I find it extremely bizarre.”

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