The Corner

Krauthammer’s Take: Don’t Be Surprised If Scots ‘Flinch,’ Choose to Stay in U.K.

Polls show Scotland’s independence referendum, set for Thursday, too close to call, but Charles Krauthammer would not be surprised if Unionists win out.

“I think what’s really happened here: You had a poll last week showing seccession winning, and now you have the latest poll showing a real tightening. I think in these situations,” Krauthammer said on Wednesday’s Special Report, “there is often the desire to go independent, and then at the last second, when you think about all the implications . . . I think there would be a counter reaction to stay within the U.K.” He noted the serious economic consequences Scotland will face should it choose to become independent.

“My guess would be that it will be really close but . . . they might at the end flinch.”

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