The Corner

Krauthammer’s Take: ‘Mr. President, the Crusades Were 800 Years Ago!’

“Everything [President Obama] does is to minimize what’s happening” in Syria and Iraq with the Islamic State, says Charles Krauthammer, pointing to the president’s “astonishing” comments at today’s National Prayer Breakfast.

“Everything he does is to minimize what’s happening, to hold us back and to essentially deny the gravity of what’s happening. That’s why today he had to compare it to the Crusades and to the Inquisition, which is simply astonishing. Mr. President, the Crusades were 800 years ago, and the Inquisition 500 years ago. What’s happening right now is not Christians on the march. It is radical Islam.”

It is unclear, said Krauthammer, whether the president makes these comparisons “because he thinks we will overreact, or because he genuinely believes this is not the threat that Jordan thinks it is, that Americans think it is, that the Saudis do, the gulf Arabs [do].”

“The only reason Obama got involved with ISIS in the first place was precisely the public reaction to the video beheading of the two Americans,” said Krauthammer. “If that hadn’t happened, he never would have stirred himself.”

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