The Corner

Krauthammer’s Take: Mr. President: Republicans Don’t Oppose Diplomacy, They Oppose Your Bad Deal

President Obama claims that Republicans are not interested in “a diplomatic resolution” to America’s long-standing conflict with Iran. “This is the president’s mendacity continuing to a degree that is really quite remarkable,” says Charles Krauthammer.

“‘There are people on both sides and beyond’ — so he means Republicans at home and Israelis – ‘who are against a diplomatic resolution,’” said Krauthammer on Friday’s Special Report, quoting the president’s comments in a video message in honor of Nowruz, the Iranian New Year, released Friday. “That’s a lie. They are against this diplomatic resolution, the deal he is doing that any observer will tell you paves the road to an Iranian nuclear weapon that is legitimate and accepted by the international community. It is a disaster. That’s why it is opposed. People aren’t opposed to diplomacy; they are opposed to a specific deal.”

“This is a president who I think is making an overture essentially saying Iran should be our ally in the region,” Krauthammer continued. “And what do you think the Saudis, the Emirates, and the others are thinking when they hear that? An alliance with Iran is an alliance with their mortal enemy, and this is all happening openly.”

Noting the intended audience, Krauthammer added: “To address this to Iranians, as if Iran is a democracy when it is a dictatorship that put down a democratic revolution [from] which he turned his face and never supported, is disgraceful.”

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