The Corner

Krauthammer’s Take

From last night’s Fox News All-Stars.

On Obama blaming Republicans for obstructing health-care reform:

This is typical Obama. He speaks for truth and justice, and anybody who opposes him is a rabid partisan who does it for personal partisan reasons.

Look, this is disingenuous, and it’s dishonest. He knows that the reason his proposals are in trouble is because of two things: Democrats in Congress, and the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office.

In Congress, he’s got the Blue Dogs in the House and he’s got the moderates in the Senate. And the reason that he’s in trouble is because, for example, as we just heard on the public option, it’s liberals who are going to hold it up in the House unless you have a public option, and moderates in the Senate who are going to stop it unless it doesn’t have it [a public option]. And those are Democrats, not Republicans…

Democrats have a super-majority in the Senate and a huge majority in the House. So that’s number one.

And the second thing is the CBO. The president’s ideas and proposals are in trouble because he said he did this because health care costs are threatening our economy, and the CBO has said it’s [Obamacare] going to cost a fortune…

And that’s what is hurting him. It’s not Republicans. This is all a strawman.

On the U.S. Export-Import bank financing offshore drilling in Brazil:

The Ex-Im bank spokesman said it is all about American jobs. If it’s all about American jobs, the payoff for drilling offshore in America is a lot higher.

And if you’re subsidizing or underwriting drilling offshore in Brazil, then you’re completely undermining the reason to prohibit drilling offshore in the U.S.

The reason Obama opposes it and the reason the liberals oppose it is because of the environment. But by not drilling here, we simply have the drilling end up elsewhere, and it doesn’t reduce pollution on the planet. It simply exports it into poorer countries where the safeguards are much less, for example, in Nigeria, where there are oil spills and siphoning and explosions all the time.

So the net effect on the planet of drilling elsewhere instead of here is that there is more pollution and despoiling of the environment, and it reduces American jobs. It makes no sense at all.

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