The Corner

Krauthammer’s Take

From Tuesday night’s Fox News All-Stars.

On Rand Paul and the tea-party movement:

Well, I think that‘s the most amazing phenomenon of this day. He came literally out of nowhere. And when you compare him — politically he’s not exactly like his father, Ron Paul, but Ron Paul when he ran for the presidency in ‘08 was a bit of a joke. He was way out there.

It tells you how much our country has changed in two years that that kind of libertarianism was considered kind of kooky at the time, and now his son who is less libertarian, he’s more sort of centrist, but still – he’s really challenging the Republican establishment . . .

This has been I think the amazing story of the last year. Look, the tea party, which is behind Paul, barely existed a year ago. . . .

This is I think a tribute to how radical is the Obama agenda — the spontaneous reaction to overreach, a trillion-dollar stimulus, a health-care takeover, and cap-and-trade, all of that at the beginning of a term. This is an amazing, spontaneous phenomenon, and we‘re going to see a lot of its effects tonight.

On the new sanctions resolution against Iran at the U.N.:

I will go out on a limb and say the resolution will not persuade Iran to abandon its nukes.

It’s incredibly weak. First of all, we say the Russians and the Chinese are on board, yes. But the State Department even admits they will strip stuff from the existing resolution as it’s presented. . . .

And I would add that Turkey and Brazil are on the Security Council and will oppose even [these weak] sanctions. Lebanon is the chairman [of the Security Council this month]. It’s under Syrian control. It will also oppose the sanctions. These are very few and weak sanctions and they will [barely] squeak through. . . .

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