The Corner

Krauthammer’s Take

From Thursday night’s Fox News All-Stars.

On the state of civil discourse in the light of Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee’s charge that repeal of Obamacare would be “killing Americans” and Rep. Steve Cohen’s charge that Republicans were spreading Nazi-like lies of the kind that led to the Holocaust.

I think it’s [uncivil discourse is] a bogus issue that was concocted, particularly after Tucson shooting. It’s a continuation — what we heard from Cohen and Jackson — of the liberal hypocrisy on this.

The worst, uncivil discourse in the last decade occurred in the Bush years when the president was vilified and attacked and demonized, compared to Nazis. He was called Hitler.

There was the article in “The New Republic,” a leading liberal magazine that began– [written] by an [TNR] editor — “I hate George Bush. There I said it.” Howard Dean, a not insignificant Democrat, a former head of the Democratic National Committee, said openly, “I hate Republicans and everything they stand for.”

That is literally hate speech. I do not remember the New York Times or the [other] mainstream media wagging a finger and pulling a chin about the rise of uncivil discourse at the time. So I don’t take any of this seriously….and I’m not surprised that uncivil discourse is prominent on the left, as we saw today.

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