The Corner

Krauthammer’s Take

From Friday night’s Fox News All-Stars:

On the tenth anniversary of 9/11:

I think we’re much safer. We have achieved a lot. Al-Qaeda has been decimated and scattered. Look at bin Laden’s last days. He was the hero of the jihadists. They named children after him on 9/11. He ended up as a recluse, sitting in a room watching himself on an old television in a room with nothing in it. …

No repeat attack in 10 years. Everybody who lives here, who remembers 9/11 in Washington or New York remembers how everybody here thought there would be a second attack within months. It never happened. …

It didn’t happen because al-Qaeda all of a sudden decided it would cash in the chips or because its leadership read Jefferson and decided it would give it all up. It happened because we launched a war against them offensively, especially in Afghanistan and the borderlands of Pakistan, and we constructed this elaborate apparatus [that] a lot of people on the left attacked as oppressive — but which, in fact, has retained our civil liberties and kept us safe.

On President Obama’s jobs speech:

What struck me was his abuse of the majesty of that setting. A joint address to Congress is something that FDR did on the day after Pearl Harbor to ask for a declaration of war on Imperial Japan. It’s a place where LBJ asked for a civil rights act. And here it’s a place where Obama used it as a kickoff of his own reelection campaign.

On the controversy over Rick Perry’s debate comments on Social Security:

It’s a classic example of the Washington gaffe, which is when a politician accidentally speaks the truth. It is a Ponzi scheme but you aren’t allowed to say it.

On who will win the Super Bowl:

Houston Texans.

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