The Corner

Krauthammer’s Take

From Fox’s Special Report with Bret Baier

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

On the White House’s recent attention to Mitt Romney’s record at Bain Capital:

 It’s a warning that Romney ought to look at [the issue again]. To give an answer [like] the answer he gave last night —  “this is class war and the politics of envy” — is not enough. The White House and Gingrich, Perry, are going to run ad after ad of somebody who lost his job. That’s going to have a real impact. You can’t answer with abstractions.

He [Romney] is going to have to (a) show the faces of people who actually were helped, had a job — perhaps [after his company was] slimmed down, lost a job but regained it.

And (b) he’s going to have to say: Look what Obama did with the auto industry. He had to throw a lot of people out of work. He had to close a lot of dealerships. But in the end he saved it [the US auto industry]. I did exactly the same — but with private money, [at] higher risk — because sometimes you have to make a company lean if you want to save it and produce jobs.


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