The Corner

Krauthammer’s Take

From last night’s “All-Stars.”

On the “Keep Terrorists out of America Act:”

Well, what I love is the name of the bill. Imagine if you have to vote against the Keep Terrorists out of America Act.

And, you know, the mainstream media portraying this as Republicans desperately seizing on an issue as a way to embarrass the Obama administration. Well, that’s what an opposition does. And it isn’t as if terrorists running around in America is not a serious issue.

But I think what is really interesting about it, and the reason it is going to get traction, is because it symbolizes the degree to which Democrats were hypocritical and irresponsible in attacking the Bush administration and all the measures it took in keeping us safe in the war on terror.

For example, the wiretapping, which it attacked as a trashing of the constitution, is now being continued. We have the rendition policy, an attack on human rights, is also being continued. The military commissions, which Obama himself had said had been a failure, all of a sudden the Obama administration is resurrecting it.

And Guantanamo is the biggest symbol of them all.

Obama’s idea is we are safer if the world likes us, and that’s why you have to close at Guantanamo and do all these other nice things. Now we’re going to see whether the closing of Guantanamo is going to reduce the recruiting of terrorists, is going to make our allies help us in Afghanistan and elsewhere, and will make us more safe.

On Obama’s proposed budget cuts:

He is throwing trillions around on social spending, a lot of which he has admitted will be wasted, because it’s just in the essence of it.

But look at where he actually cuts. He takes off a billion dollars of missile defense at a time when Iran and North Korea are developing missiles that are going to threaten us and the world. And half of these cuts of the $17 billion are out of defense.

Again, you know, if he is going to spend billions everywhere on everything, why would he shut down the assembly line for an F-22, which is already ongoing. Talk about shovel ready, it is ready and going.

So his priority is cut defense and spend everything on anything everywhere else. And that, I think, tells us a lot about what he wants to accomplish.

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