The Corner

Politics & Policy

Krauthammer’s Take: Obama Admitted Violating Article I of Constitution

President Obama violated Article I of the Constitution in signing his executive order granting a path to legalization for millions of illegal immigrants, Charles Krauthammer said on Fox News’s Special Report.

Commenting on the Fifth Circuit Court’s striking down Obama’s executive order, Krauthammer said: “The question is what was the executive order about, and was it the executive changing a law that passed the Congress, which is not allowed.”

“That’s the first line in Article I,” he continued. ”The legislative power belongs to the Congress, not to the president.”

“Look, in the decision that came out from the circuit court, they quoted Obama who said in response to a heckler, in a speech shortly after you get the executive order, he said, ‘I just took action to change the law,’” Krauthammer said. “He admitted that he was changing the law.” 

Krauthammer then criticized Senate Democrats for attacking the Fifth Circuit, but not the president for usurping their Constitutional power: “They should have some fidelity to the Constitution that even in an argument, where they happen to support the policy, they should understand the risk and the cost of a president changing laws unilaterally.”

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