The Corner

Krauthammer’s Take: Obama ‘Continuing a Successful Stonewall’ on Benghazi

President Obama’s repeated efforts to dismiss lingering questions about the Benghazi attacks has been his strategy from the beginning, Charles Krauthammer said on Monday’s Special Report. During his pre-Super Bowl interview, the president did not directly answer some of Bill O’Reilly’s questions on the matter, as he has all along.

“When Obama talks about this as if he didn’t know, I think he’s simply continuing a successful stonewall,” Krauthammer explained, pointing to multiple diplomatic and security officials providing contemporaneous accounts differing from the administration’s initial characterization of the events. “He talks around it — he talks in a way that is not answering the question.”

Additionally, due to the story’s complicated nature and “huge cast of characters,” the media has also stayed away from investigating the story, which the president is well aware of. “He knew, he pretends he doesn’t, and he has succeeded in not getting the program he should have as a result of that.”

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