The Corner

Krauthammer’s Take: Obama Doesn’t Even Understand That Putin’s Winning

Charles Krauthammer said President Obama’s approach to foreign policy shows that his view of human nature is lacking.

“He has trouble understanding that other countries have national interests,” he said. “And they do want to dominate other countries. He said that’s not how people act in this century. It is how people act in this century, and every century back to the Stone Age.”

Last weekend Obama said Putin is not acting in Russia’s interests. “Does he not understand that he’s actually instructing the Russians on what’s in their national interest?” Krauthammer asked. 

He went on to point out that in capturing Crimea, Russia will dominate the region for “a couple of hundred years, never [have to] ask the Ukrainians for another lease agreement” for their navy on the Black Sea.

Krauthammer said Putin is winning “on a geopolitical level that Obama does not even seem to understand.”

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