The Corner

Krauthammer’s Take: Republicans’ Plan to Impeach IRS Commissioner Will Backfire

Tonight Charles Krauthammer warned Republicans that their plans to impeach IRS commissioner John Koskinen are “not going to end well.” 

“Republicans in the Congress have shown they have no ability to conduct successful investigations of this administration,” Krauthammer said on Tuesday’s Special Report. “Everything they have touched has failed or backfired.”

“Even Benghazi, where they had prima facie evidence of new data showing that Hillary Clinton had said to the Egyptian ambassador, a day after the incident, that it had nothing to do with the video and then spent the next week or two telling that to the country, and to the father of one of those who fell,” Krauthammer continued. “The most damning evidence I can imagine, it’s something you would have started a hearing with and would have had tremendous impact and they didn’t succeed.”

“This is a waste of energy,” he said. “If the intent is, as Chaffetz says, to restore confidence in the IRS, you know how you do that? You win the White House, you appoint a new IRS commissioner and then you get an uncompromised DoJ to go in and to prosecute Lois Lerner.”

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