The Corner

Krauthammer’s Take: Russian Proposal a Way to Let Obama ‘Off the Hook’

The Russian proposal on Syria’s chemical weapons is merely a way of letting President Obama “off the hook,” Charles Krauthammer said Monday night.

Appearing on Special Report, Krauthammer blasted Obama for tentatively embracing the proposal, arguing that the debate will now shift away from strikes and absolve Obama of responsibility for threatening them.

“This is clearly a way to let Obama off the hook politically,” Krauthammer said. “The chances of these weapons being eliminated from Syria are less than of the Chicago Cubs winning the World Series this year—and they are now mathematically eliminated. What this does is it will string out the process . . . [Obama’s] not going to say ‘we’re not going to pursue the diplomatic path,” Krauthammer said.

“They’re going to seize the political opportunity and pretend it’s a real option which it really isn’t,” he said. 

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