The Corner

Krauthammer’s Take: Stalling on IRS Scandal ‘Caused by Administration’s Contempt of Congress’

Charles Krauthammer commented on recently released emails from Lois Lerner’s email account on Thursday evening’s Special Report. Filling in for Bret Baier, Doug McKelway posed to Krauthammer, “The interesting thing is that the courts seem to be making much more progress than Congress is,” regarding the scandal. Krauthammer agreed. He posed that the reason is not because of partisanship, but because of the administration’s contempt for Congress. He explained, “the administration, the IRS…doesn’t answer, waits a year, waits two years, and then reports stuff that is incomplete and has to be learned through a lawsuit.”

Krauthammer continues on to outline the suspicious nature of the emails. He explains, “[Lerner] is obviously instructing people by code to be careful of what’s in your email,” showing that the IRS and Lerner were clearly trying to cover up certain details. “[The IRS] is the most powerful agency in government after the military,” Krauthammer asserts, “and they are hiding things from oversight, from Congress, which is a required bylaw, clearly trying to undermine any attempt to reign in [their power].”

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