The Corner

Politics & Policy

Krauthammer’s Take: What’s that Sudden Feeling? ‘Early-Onset Clinton Fatigue.’

The problem  for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, according to Charles Krauthammer: “She can’t run on her record.”

“Ask yourself,” Krauthammer queried on Friday’s Special Report: “What did she achieve as secretary of state? Nothing. What was her signature achievement as senator? I can’t remember. What did she achieve as first lady? Hillarycare, which went down in flames.”

Continued Krauthammer: “She is running on two things: gender and her name. And her name evokes the ’90s, and until these recent scandals, it would evoke the good stuff in the ’90s: peace and prosperity, her association with it. It is really a tremendous asset. But what has happened now is people are now re-remembering the other side of the ’90s and the Clintons, and that was a sort of low-level corruption, above-the-law Clintonisms, and that is what hurts you.”

“What we are getting right now,” said Krauthammer, “is early-onset Clinton fatigue.”

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