The Corner

Kristol’s New Column

Editor & Publisher reports on the NYT’s decision to hire William Kristol as a once-weekly op-ed columnist on a one year contract. The liberal outrage over the decision is ridiculous.  The Times purports to seek a diversity of views on its op-ed page, and it is hardly shocking (or unprecedent) for the paper to have two (or, in this case, one-and-a-half) right-of-center op-ed writers.  It is also a smart move insofar as the Times wants its editorial page to get read more often.  If there is a basis for criticizing the Times it would be that its two conservative columnists are of the same ideological stripe (e.g., Standard-esque “National Greatness” conservatism), but I don’t find this critique all that compelling either, and I look forward to reading (and at times disagreeing) with what Kristol has to say in the year ahead.

Jonathan H. Adler is the Johan Verheij Memorial Professor of Law at Case Western Reserve University School of Law. His books include Business and the Roberts Court and Marijuana Federalism: Uncle Sam and Mary Jane.
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