The Corner

Kudos to Bob Herbert

I can’t remember the last time I read a Bob Herbert column. But I highly recommend his column today. It’s about a Marine injured in an accident in Iraq. It reminds you of the dangers faced by our guys even when they aren’t in combat, and the sacrifices so many have made in Iraq. Herbert focuses on Corporal Hector Delgado, who was crushed under a fuel tanker. Here is how he ends the column:

“If Corporal Delgado is harboring any bitterness, I couldn’t detect it. There were times, he said, when he wished he had died beneath the trailer. But he fought his way through the mental distress, just as he is fighting through the physical pain, and his goal is to one day walk again. He’ll be discharged from the Marines soon and hopes to find work helping other disabled veterans.

’That’s one way I could repay all the people who are helping me now,’ he said.”

Bless Herbert for writing it.

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