The Corner

Kusnet V. Kristol Ii

But what I find simply galling is Kusnet’s assertion that Irving Kristol’s comments about liberals being too soft on communism was “farfetched.” Although, not to sound too Clintonian, but since Kusnet says Bill’s comments about Gephardt are “just as far farfetched” as his father’s comments about 1950s liberals maybe this all depends on the meaning of “farfetched.” If Kusnet merely means “fair and reasonable” then maybe this isn’t a big deal. But, I assume he’s saying that Irving Kristol was wrong to suggest liberals were insufficiently anti-Communist. And if that’s the case, Kusnet’s higher than a moonbat. Of course, there were good and patriotic liberal anti-Communists in the 1950s (contrary to what some on the Right are saying today), but to suggest Kristol wasn’t on to something is simply historical revisionism for the sake of a few cheap partisan points and a few cheap shots about nepotism.

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