The Corner

La Russa: ‘This is all about real values’

Tony La Russa, the manager of the St. Louis Cardinals, spoke out against his critics today in an interview with National Review Online. La Russa, who attended Glenn Beck’s Restoring Honor event in Washington, has been criticized by sportswriter Buzz Bissinger, the famed author of Friday Night Lights and St. Louis community activists for his appearance at the rally.

“All [the critics] need to do is listen to what is happening here,” La Russa says. “They probably came in with some preconceptions. But this is all about real values and it has nothing to do with politics.”

La Russa addressed the crowd midway through the program to introduce Cardinals first baseman Albert Pujols (above), who won an award for his charitable work.

Robert Costa was formerly the Washington editor for National Review.
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