The Corner

La Vida Loca

An e-mail from

K-lo, Am I the only one that finds it incredibly dubious that an elderly man who’s just supposedly had surgery would be lucid enough, amid the probable plethora of medications, to make such an erudite statement as the one reported by the AP? It angers me to no end that these reporters who worked on that piece – there were seven AP “writers” for their latest fidel is A-OK piece – dont display even a hint of skepticism when “reporting” on such an obvious manipulation by the Cuban government. fidel castro may, indeed, be alive, but I’ve had elderly family members in hospital in post surgery conditions and I can assure you, they were in no condition to ask for a glass of water, much less make any political statements. One reporter with cojones in Cuba is all we need to hear some truth. Just one reporter that doesnt spend his day reading blogs from their hotel rooms in between dips in the pool and mojitos who actually has the integrity to defy the Cuban governments restrictioons on foreign journalists to report the Cuban reality. I guess integrity from the MSM is too much to ask nowadays. Regards, Val

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