The Corner

Lame Attempt At Looking Over Bob Graham’s Shoulder, Into His Journal

8:38: Walked into rehearsal room again. Has been like a second home since they keep making me rewrite.

8:38:14 Saw Rev. Al on monitor.

8:38: 15 Felt nauseous. How am I going to go on after him?

8:38: 16 Gave myself a pep talk. Bob? Yes, Bob. You are a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee. You have respect in this crowd. Bob, you will be good.

8:38: 18 Got mad at John Kerry all over again for picking that fresh-faced smarty pants Edwards.

8:38:19 Wished I hadn’t had that second coffee.

8:38:21 I accept your nomination… Oh crap. Not this time.

8:38:23-8:38:25 Don’t recall….

8:39 Osama been Forgotten. Don’t forget that one, Bob.

8:58 Calmed them down after Al. Phew. Got a mention of those Johns in, as smart-a** DNC staffers insisted. Honestly. Kids these days.

8:58: 02 Thumbs up to these fine musicians. They wanted me to speak Thursday, not Wednesday….

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