The Corner

Lamont on Colbert

I missed it. But this is from a longtime reader:

Wow.  I don’t know if you caught it, being out and about and all…but

I’ve never seen such a wooden and yet at the same time terrified

performance from a politician…and this from a guy who is supposed to

be a Senate candidate?  It was really quite funny.  Colbert kept trying

to engage him in a conversation and some self-deprecating humor…but

all Lamont did was wait until Colbert stopped talking and then he threw

a rapid-fire campaign slogan in that had little to do with what Colbert

was talking about.  Example: Colbert asks something along the line of

“So what do you have against Joe Lieberman?  He’s my kind of Democrat.”

Lamont responds with some bromide on getting out of Iraq. 

Really, this guy is not ready for prime time.

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