The Corner

Laureate Wars

Having succeeded in getting Rick out beating the bushes for enemies of

academic Eng. Lit. amour propre and defenders of the proposition that a good

poem should be spontaneously liked by lots and lots of non-academic people,

I shall scuttle back to my jungle bivouac. (“The bivouac of life,” of


If it’s poets you’re wanting, though, see my upcoming piece on George Crabbe

in the NY Sun (tomorrow, I think).

In the meantime, let me canvass reader (and contributor, if you like)

opinion here. On my “36 Great American Poems” CD I included Joyce Kilmer’s

“Trees.” A reader just emailed in to

ask why. Thinking about it, I am not sure.

Yes, I can see why “Trees” is a slightly absurd poem, a

soft-center-chocolate sort of poem. Some of that, though, is due to the

fact that “Trees” is, as I remark on the CD, the most-parodied poem in the

American language. Most of us, I imagine, encounter a parody of “Trees” (in

my case it was Ogden Nash’s) before the thing itself, which distorts

judgment. So why do I like “Trees”? It’s not even what Orwell called a

“good bad poem,” because it’s not *quite* bad enough. I don’t know, there’s

a mystery here. “Trees” works for me, and that’s the ultimate test. (As a

small plus, which really should not be factored in, but which I think

probably was, Kilmer was a genuine American hero.)

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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