The Corner

Law Professor: ‘Get Rid of’ NAACP and Other Race Groups, They ‘Hurt Race Relations’

Vanderbilt law professor ​Carol Swain called out African-American “race-hustlers” — including a prominent black leader who was onscreen with her — for ignoring “issues that are decimating the black community” in favor of politicizing the death of Trayvon Martin.

“The NAACP and the other race leaders ought to be focusing on jobs, and crime, and unwed motherhood, and abortion,” Swain said on CNN over the weekend. “They’re silent on those issues — they have time for gay marriage, they have time for political correctness, but they’re not doing anything to serve the needs of the black community, or serve the needs of American as a whole.”

Swain argued that groups such as the NAACP, the Congressional Black Caucus, and the National Urban League had “served their purpose” already and that “we need to get rid of” them. Upon hearing this, NUL president Marc Morial, who was on the segment with Swain, invited her to the organization’s meeting in Philadelphia next week; Swain said she would go if the NUL paid her expenses, but Morial declined.

“The profit is on the side of the race-hustler,” Swain said, warning that “there’s going to be a shakedown that follows [the Trayvon Martin] rallies, and it will not benefit the black community.”​

She agreed that a conversation about racial issues was important, but criticized this past weekend’s rallies to protest George Zimmerman’s acquittal, arguing they further heightened tensions and emotions rather than addressing the issues. ” These kind of efforts hurt race relations,” she said. “They hurt us, they don’t bring us together.”

Swain is an award-winning author on racial issues and has been an outspoken opponent of political correctness during her academic career at Vanderbilt and Princeton.

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