The Corner

Lawless Legislators: Illegal-Immigration Alert

Another reason to be delighted Larry Craig is still a senator:

The Senate Appropriations Committee on Thursday added to an Iraq spending bill a controversial provision to help pave the way for undocumented agriculture workers to win legal status, a move that may reopen the divisive immigration debate on the Senate floor.

The so-called Ag-Jobs amendment, sponsored by Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Larry Craig (R-Idaho), would create a process that allows undocumented workers to continue to work on farms. Without the amendment, Feinstein warned that the U.S. would lose $5-9 billion to foreign competition, tens of thousands of farms would shut down and 80,000 workers would be transferred to Mexico. The bill would sunset in five years.

“Agriculture needs a consistent workforce,” Feinstein said. “Without it, they can’t plant, they can’t prune, they can’t pick and they can’t pack.

An aide to Senator Vitter alerted me to the amendment’s return and says “It looks like amnesty for sure and Sen. Vitter intends to offer an amendment to strike this language when the supplemental hits the floor.” If you respect the rule of law, you might want to get on the horn to your senator tomorrow.

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