The Corner

Leaving NR

Rich Lowry hired me at National Review about a month before the 2012 election to do video-related work for the website. Four years later, I’ve spent the vast majority of my time here doing very little related to video work but a lot of writing and reporting. For the past two years, I’ve been running our office in Washington and covering the presidential election with a top-notch team: Tim Alberta, Alexis Levinson, and Nick Tell.

Rich and Jack Fowler — sometimes grudgingly, most of the times with enthusiasm — not only put up with what I think is my pretty well-documented stream of complaints (I like to call it “high standards,” guys) but also gave me carte blanche to make a mark in Washington on NR’s behalf. It’s been hands down the best four years of my career, and I’m incredibly grateful to NR.

It’s with mixed feelings that I’m sharing that I start as a national political reporter at POLITICO in a couple of weeks, so I hope many of you will stay in touch with me there.

And: My first experience with NR was as a 19-year-old college intern in 2004, so I also hope to continue to haunt the institution in one way or another. 

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