The Corner

Let Me Get My Nitpicking Out of The Way

To accuse Ashcroft of not upholding the Constitution, without saying how, is just a smear. If he’s talking about Patriot, he has a special responsibility to distinguish between the law he voted for and the alleged abuses Ashcroft has used it to commit.

I do not believe that 25 percent of the kids in Harlem have asthma “because of pollution.” Pollution has been declining, and asthma rates rising: the simple causal link he’s assuming does not exist.

If Kerry thinks that the Iraq war was wrong because it was a war of choice, not necessity, then wasn’t it just as wrong for him to have voted to let Bush wage it? I know his dodge is that he wanted Bush to be able to bluff, not actually wage war, but that just isn’t what he voted for.

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