The Corner

Politics & Policy

Let Them Eat Bugs

I don’t think there is any point at which the bossy authoritarians who now have so much control in America (and elsewhere) will ever say, “That’s far enough — we should now leave people free to make their own choices.” For that proposition I offer in evidence the current mania for eating insects.

Writing today on PowerLine, John Hinderaker gives us the bad news: “When I tell people that liberals are working on substituting insects for meat, they often think I am imagining things. But it is true. The beachhead is “flour.” You can dry insects, turn them into powder, and put the powder into foods. This is actually starting to become common.”

But there is at least some pushback.  In Italy, lots of people resist the idea of pasta made from insect flour and want truth in labeling so consumers can tell real pasta from bug pasta.

Hinderaker continues:

Today it’s flour, tomorrow you will be expected to boil grubs and toss locusts on the grill. Why? To combat global warming, of course! For the same reason you won’t be permitted (at anything like a cost you can afford) to fly in an airplane, enjoy reliable electricity, heat your house in the winter, drive a normal motor vehicle, cook on a gas stove, and so on.

Just a little quibble. I think we should stop calling people “liberal” whose instincts are completely illiberal. Let’s call them statists or authoritarians.

George Leef is the the director of editorial content at the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal. He is the author of The Awakening of Jennifer Van Arsdale: A Political Fable for Our Time.
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