The Corner

Libby Now and Then

A friend passes along quotes from two New Republic editorials. One editorial ran in the Jan. 16, 2006 issue: “Washington has been convulsed by pseudo-presidential scandals during the past few years, from the impeachment of President Clinton to the indictment of Scooter Libby. But the Bush administration’s arrogant assertion that it has the power to ignore or break the law when it sees fit is a genuine scandal.”

Another one ran way back in November: The indictment of Libby “has everything to do with the war: It shows how administration officials–particularly Libby and his boss, Dick Cheney–interfered with the public’s understanding of a key bit of intelligence, and how they tried to conceal that interference. . . . [T]his is about more than whether ‘a person, Mr. Libby’ lied or not; it’s about whether an administration did.”

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