The Corner

Lieberman’s ‘Private Understanding’? A Public Denial.

The Hill has reported that Joe Lieberman “has reached a private understanding with Majority Leader Harry Reid that he will not block a final vote on healthcare reform, according to two sources briefed on the matter.”

I’ve just talked to Senator Lieberman’s spokesman, Marshall Wittmann, and he says that the report “is absolutely not true.”  

Wittmann says: “The suggestion reported in the Hill that Senator Lieberman has made a ‘private understanding’ on his votes on health-care reform. Senator Lieberman’s clear position is that he will  vote for the motion to proceed to the health-care bill because he supports health-care reform that will control costs and insure people who don’t have it now, but will oppose cloture on a final bill if it contains a public option.”

He adds: “If you believe this story is true, you will also believe that I am replacing A Rod in game six of the Series.”

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