The Corner

“Lost in Translation”–New York City Edition

“All school documents, including school notices and report cards, would have to be translated into nine languages” in New York City schools if the professional ethnic activists have their way. The cost? A mere $20 million.

Another bill would require New York City web sites to be available in six

languages. Councilman Eric Gioia (D-Queens) claims existing translation software could probably do the job for around $4,000.

Councilman Gioia may not be aware that Washington State’s attempt to use translation software led to nothing but complaints.

Example: a statement by Washington’s Secretary of State Sam Reed, proposing “statewide mandates to restore public trust,” was translated into Chinese as “Swampy weed suggests whole state order recover open trust.”

Should New York City have the same experience as Washington State with translation software, which is likely, demands for taxpayer-paid full-time translators will certainly follow.

Councilman Gioia may be also be unaware that “about eleven proposed spelling systems have been identified for [Haitian Creole].”

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