The Corner

Lots of This Sort of Email, Btw

From a reader:


I’m normally linking every buddy I have to your articles by this point in the morning, cutting and pasting my favorite quips and quotes into chat windows, and ROFL’ing mightily all the while. I appreciate your keen wit and razor-like sarcasm like no other NRO contributor.

But this morning I’m taking issue with your criticism of Dr. James Dobson. My complaint is that you cite a single example of hyperbole, without even a cursory note he that backs his opinions with sound reason and historical perspective. In effect, you present the Supreme Court/KKK comment as sufficiently representative of Dobson’s argument on judicial tyranny.

I believe you have slighted Dr. Dobson by presenting him exclusively in the harsh glare of rhetoric, something that would perhaps only befit a true charlatan like the Reverend Al Sharpton or Professor Ward Churchill. And, ultimately, discourse would be better served if you criticized his arguments on the merits of its logic and sourcing, which are abundantly present in both his radio and online formats.

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