The Corner


Blazoned across the NYT today is the headline: “Israel Feeling Rising Anger From U.S.” How I just pray for the headline someday that reads ”Iran Feeling Rising Anger From U.S.” or “Venezuela Feeling Rising Anger From U.S.” or “Cuba Feeling Rising Anger From U.S.” or “Myanmar Feeling Rising Anger From U.S.” or “Sudan Feeling Rising Anger From U.S.”

Instead we get a story that states in paragraph one: “The most serious conflicts between the United States and Israel in two decades is leaving a politically embarrassed Israeli government scrambling to respond to a tough list of demands by the Obama administration.”

All this, by the way, as the same issue of the NYT today reports Iran is set to hang six more protesters — and of course, as you know, that’s the country where the U.S. “should not be seen as meddling.”

 – Seth Leibsohn is a fellow of the Claremont Institute and producer of Bill Bennett’s Morning In America.

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