The Corner

Loyalty, Gratitude, Support

From a $1,000 contributor to our fall fundraising drive to keep the lights on: 

Keep up the great work!  My NRO viewing goes back to the pre-NRO G-File, Cosmo and the couch.  My reading of NRODT goes back a decade or two before that. 

Thank you, loyal sir! 

And a $50 contribution comes in today with this note: 

With gratitude, from a longtime reader in Berkeley.

You are not alone! 

And from a $104 contributor: 

I’ve paid a lot more for a lot less than what I get from you guys!

Reader, can you spare an investment in a future with National Review Online? Contribute to our fall fundraising drive here.

Do it because you have been reading Jim Geraghty since the beginning. Do it because you cannot imagine a Saturday morning without Mark Steyn or Andy McCarthy. Do it because you were raised on WFB and now are intent on introducing his vast body of work and legacy to your children. Do it because you think we are as doomed as Derb does. Do it because you rely on Ramesh for you policy analysis. Do it because you do not remember a time before you read Jonah and Rich. Whatever your reasons for contributing, thanks for doing so. 

Here is the link. 

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