The Corner

Lugar’s Mystery Document Unveiled

Senator Dick Lugar’s campaign has unveiled the mystery document it was touting earlier this morning. It is a candidate questionnaire from October 30, 1992 in which Richard Mourdock, then a Republican candidate in Indiana’s 8th congressional district, is listed as in support of the Fairness Doctrine and as having no position on legislation that would repeal penalties for companies that hire undocumented workers. You can read the newspaper clipping here. Here are the excerpts the Lugar campaign is highlighting:

Do you support the ‘Fairness Doctrine’ which requires broadcasters to present a diversity of views on issues of public interest?

Support: Mourdock, McCloskey

Oppose: Coats

Do you support legislation which would repeal sanctions against employers who hire illegal immigrants?

No Position: Mourdock

Oppose: McCloskey

Do you favor or oppose the following initiatives: A Comprehensive test ban?

No Position: Mourdock

Oppose: Coats

In a press release, the Lugar campaign writes:

On November 2, 1991, the Chicago Tribune reported that Mourdock had been likened to Ross Perot and wanted to “slash U.S. troop levels overseas.”  In addition, on March 4, 1992, the Evansville Courier & Press reported that Mourdock proposed a government-funded “free year of college for students who graduate from high school with at least a B average.”

“A man who takes illegal tax deductions, violates federal election law, breaks into a Republican Party database and shifts his positions on core conservative values has no business representing Hoosiers in the United States Senate,” Friends of Dick Lugar spokesman Andy Fisher said.  “Bottom line, Richard Mourdock cannot be trusted and Indiana Republicans know the truth.”

Brian Bolduc is a former editorial associate for National Review Online.
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